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Get tangled up in me

The Pixie

Sherry. Almost perfect 18. I'm all about class, dignity and elegance.

The people I♥



The new semester's here. In fact, today was my third day of school. Modules getting drier and facilitators getting ridiculous. Well, some actually. But whatever it is, I just hope I'll be able to do my best and get back the GPA that I have always been getting. *prays* And the best part is that I get to be in the same class AGAIN as Syida! :) Oh she has been my partner in crime when it comes to classes. ;) 3 semesters straight and I hope we'll get to be together till we graduate! 

On a less bright note, I caught the fever bug not too long ago - just right before school started - and I swear it's been killing my ever since. My throat's been sooo dry and I keep drinking which makes my tummy so bloated to the extent that it's painful! The weather hasn't been helping either, rainy days just before school ends; almost impossible to get home straight. But then again, I just love this cold windy nights :) 

Anws, the 1st counts the 11th month I've been with love and the date seems pretty nice - 011011 <3 Yes, I cant get over it. I've actually been typing this on twitter, fb etc. :D The time spent was memorable too. Although we didnt do much, I always loved every single second with him. 

Well prolly cos I dont get to see him as much as I used to early this year and last year. :( He's having his attachments now and it's all the way in the EAST. Like far east. No not Orchard's Far East but far east. Okay you get what I mean. And i'm all the way here in the North :'( I know they say distance makes the heart grows fonder, yes it's definitely true but to the extent that I get to meet him once a week .... It gets so heart wrenching sometimes. Maybe, most of the time. That's one of the major reasons why I always spend the best out of the time we have during our dates. I'll end up spending the whole week thinking about it, looking forward to the next meet up and god knows how long Monday is from the weekends. 

The fact of the matter is, he never once left my mind. 

♥off words & hearts
10:02 PM


Had 2 days of camp which was compulsory for us SOH students to attend. It was a resilience camp, literally. I never felt so tired and yet fun at the same time all together. Honestly, I didnt feel like attending it at all the day before and boy was I dreading. But after the camp, I felt like I have achieved something really big and I hope that it will help me at any time of the day or the year. 

Of course, there were bound to be some rotten apples in the team but I was glad that it was only the minority. Otherwise I would have just to kill me right away. 

Was also really happy that most of us were comfortable to work together after just a few hours of knowing each other. I mean, we had no choice right? So I think that we all had the same thoughts of making the best out of it. And we did :) I regret not exercising before this camp because really, we had to be both physically and mentally prepared. I feel that this camp really tests the mind because its tough. Hence, resilience. 

Nevertheless, I enjoyed all the activities except for 1. Wouldn't wna spoil the fun by typing what all the activities were about though. Just gna state that I really hope one day, I would be able to overcome my claustrophobia cos honestly having phobias suck. It sucks big time. I felt like I was a failure for not being able to overcome it and a major loser, period. I swear I thought to myself that there was no point living if I cldn't face this phobia of mine but I.just.can't :'( I instantly cried the moment I got out from the place and I didnt want to actually. It just came out by itself. God at that moment, I really hated myself so much but then again, I had to put on a front to show that I was okay. Really, it was one of the saddest moments of my life, top 3. 

You can say that I still had a great time despite some setbacks because the people I were with, were awesome and they never failed to encourage me throughout. :) Honestly, this kind of camps are like slaps in the face of reality. 

♥off words & hearts
11:26 PM


I cant seem to keep up with updates so I think for me to update my blog, i'd have to pile up every event I went to or had. 

So far things with work has been down lately. The supervisor just doesnt want to send my time sheet to the HQ hence delaying my pay for a month. -.- Its so frustrating! I can't wait for the 3 months to be over. I need to change my job. Thinking of being a part time private tutor. It'll be better anws because the children might be more attentive at home rather than in school. 
Besides that, worked for other small events just to earn extra pocket money. The good thing about some events is that they'd give you the allowance on the spot while some requires us to wait for at least a month even if you only worked for a day. Which sucks a lot. But its okay, I still know there's money coming in! :) 

So far the hols have been quite good besides having to come down to sch for meetings and training for the Freshmen's orientation. Yupp, I volunteered to be a leader ;) Had to sacrifice most of my sleep for it. But all's good. I love how much we leaders bonded together. I seriously think that by the end of my 3 years in sch, I would know more than half of the students. Which is a good thing! :)) So im actually psyched for the orientation which is this coming Wed to Fri. Cant wait to see the freshies participate in the activities. Eggccciiitteedd :D 

As for my social life, I finally had a date with Sophie baby! Was supposed to be an outing with the madjack babies but they kept pushing back the date! I just hope we'd still be able to meet any time soon :( So this are some of the pics during the date ..
Oh yes, did some shopping too :) 

And the thing I hate about hols is that I rarely get to see baby :( If you ask me how often do I meet him, i'd say once a week. Not enough :'( But still, I appreciate having to meet him even if it takes me a minute. I know if he's in the army, it'd be worse. Okay shall not think about it. 
Went for a couple of dates with him and these are the few shots I took during one of the dates ;) 

So there it is! Updates for the past 1838927492 days that ive not been updating. There are other photos actually so do visit my FB page! :) 
Have a good first day of sch :D

♥off words & hearts
10:32 PM


The last week have been pretty much hectic but the class chalet was fun at the very least :) Was glad that Mom and Dad allowed me to stay overnight cos usually they'd go haywire if I were to mention the word "chalet". Didnt slept the whole night cos I wouldnt wna waste my night with my friends. Stayed up by telling ghost stories (the norm) and sharing a lil' on life. Hopefully we'll have another gathering soon! :) 

Besides that, been going on dates too with love and I just love his company more as days pass by! Im just so blessed to have him. :') These are a few pics of him and I during our movie date earlier today. Caught Big Momma! :D 

Before I forgot, all of us would have already known of the conditions in Japan right now. It's pain to see what they are facing and deep down, I really wna help. If there's any info on how I can donate, pls do pm me thru fb or by any means. It makes me feel useless if I dont get to help because I feel that it isnt enough just by praying. Just imagine how much lives have been lost within a second. It saddens me. A lot. 
And to those who have been saying that this was what Japan deserved because of Pearl Harbour and WWII, to hell with you and you are the ones who dont deserve to live. Those Japanese who were involved in it during that time might not even be living now due to old age and dont tell me that you feel those who werent involved in it like the teenagers who are my age or babies, deserve this?? They dont. Stop living in the past and stop this demon behaviour. Have a heart. 
Right now, I hope there wont be any bad news for them anymore. God, pls hear me out, pls let the survivors be in safe hands and let them have hope to live. <3 

♥off words & hearts
12:02 AM